Sunday, June 29, 2008

When star falls...

Life is short... especially someone died when they are just 20, 4 days before her 21st birthday.

Russian supermodel Ruslana Korshunova committed suicide by falling from her ninth floor apartment in Manhattan on Saturday afternoon, around 2:30p.m.

She got the fairy tale face and her long long hair is the essence of her beauty.
Ruslana was discovered by Debbie Jones of Models 1 accidentally in an in-flight magazine.
After that, she became the star in the modeling industry, like the covers of Vogue (Polland, Russia) and Elle (France), ads for Vera Wang, Kenzo, DKNY, and for sure, lots and lots of runway.

Her best friends, agency, and even a doorman think she is a nice person, always smiling and there is no way for her to kill herself. Unfortunitely, you just can't predict what would happened.

This is truly sad, and heart-breaking.
You see?! She is really a beauty.
Not only in her appearance, but in her heart inside.
"Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile."